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Members Screening - 7.30pm Wed 14th Dec at Banner Repeater project space.

Laws of Motion in a Cartoon Landscape
(with new material)
by Andy Holden
screening: 1hr (2011-16)

All seats must be reserved - free to members, £5 for friends of members - all tickets here:

Laws of Motion in a Cartoon Landscape develops a theory of animation that proposes that the world has taken on characteristics best recognised in the gravity defying absurdity of cartoons. Developed over 5 years from hundreds of cartoon clips, the artist Andy Holden appears within the landscape to narrate his findings. Laws such as “Everything falls faster than an anvil” comingle with Greek myths, philosophy, politics, physics, as well as the history of animation, to explore the cartoon world as an irrational space where anything can happen, yet certain things reoccur.

We will be showing a single screen projection with additional new animation, developed over the past month, in response to what would have, only a few months ago, been deemed ‘unbelievably’ dramatic changes to the political landscape.

We will also be showing Holden’s short 3 minute film titled: Chewy Cosmos previously screened on Channel 4, that touches on similar concerns.

Banner Repeater associate membership is an annual programme of events, with specially invited guests, screenings and talks, to develop further discussion about key issues in art today.

If you would like to join please find details here: The membership is run by volunteers who are committed to Banner Repeaters goals of providing an alternative space of experimentation, in a highly public space of over 4,000 passengers a day, on platform 1 at Hackney Downs train station.


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