Zarina Muhammad in conversation
with Christopher Kirubi
chair: Ami Clarke
Thursday 1st November 7-9pm.
Zarina Muhammad in conversation with Christopher Kirubi, chaired by Ami Clarke, discuss key aspects of her new Un-Publish commission: Dear Friends.
During her writer in residency at Banner Repeater, 2017, Zarina Muhammad hosted a live youtube broadcast chat show with 6 guests, writers, artists and twitter dons: Gabrielle De La Puente, Aaqib Hussain, Christopher Kirubi, Akash Chohan, and Haseeb Qureshi, that discussed with her what it is to write via twitter. The material that evolved from these conversations then helped inform her new Un-Publish commission: Dear Friends.
Deeper in the Pyramid by Melanie Jackson.
27th May.
Talk: 4.30-5.30pm.
Opening event talk: Milk and Futurity – Deeper in the Pyramid.
Artist Melanie Jackson and writer Esther Leslie will be discussing key aspects of Melanie’s work, whilst drawing upon writing in the book that they collaboratively authored, with a Q+A to follow.

de-leb: Imran Perretta, Taylor Le Melle + Zinzi Minott
round table discussion on the potential of decentralised systems.
11th April 7-9pm
Please press on image for sound recording.
Imran Perretta and Taylor Le Melle, with specially invited speaker Zinzi Minott, come together with de-leb for a round table discussion on decentralised systems that attempt a more equitable redistribution of money and power. Together, they will present their research into economic models such as cooperatives, whereby an enterprise is jointly-owned and democratically-controlled, as well as pardners, which are partnerships among people to save collectively without banks. Through thinking about these two alternative modes, they hope to arrive at an interpellated understanding of blockchain technology, and, importantly, who gets to write this new calculus.
Taylor Le Melle is a curator and writer.
Imran Perretta addresses biopower, marginality and the (de)construction of cultural histories. His multi-disciplinary practice encompasses the moving image, sound, performance and poetry.
Zinzi Minott’s solo and collaborative pursuits focus on the relationships between dance and politics. She is interested in how dance is perceived through the prisms of race, queer culture, gender and class.
Artist Anne de Boer in discussion
with environmental historian
Jason W Moore.
Friday 9th February.
The newly commissioned work: System Attempt Contact by Anne de Boer & draws on key concepts of Industry 4.0 that entails an intertwining of physical and digital systems that combine in continuous interaction with each other. Drawing on ideas of automation and data exchange inherent to the smart factory Banner Repeater project space becomes one of several sites at which content, either produced or harvested, is presented, manipulated and arranged through algorithms, shuffle functions, randomizers or other coded structures in an immersive exhibition.
He comes together to discuss key aspects of his work with the environmental historian and historical geographer Jason W Moore, author of books: Capitalism in the Web of Life (Verso, 2015), Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History,and the Crisis of Capitalism (PM Press, 2016), and, with Raj Patel, A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things (University of California Press, 2017). They will be discussing several ideas, such as how ideas of negative value play out across the ecology of works that the artist works within, unveiling a fuller idea of the means through which value is produced through the combination of distributed mechanisms in late capitalism today, via Industry 4.0.
Machine learning and the politics of data
with Ramon Amaro
Wednesday 2nd November 7.30-9pm
Ramon Amaro will be talking through calculus as a key moment in our cultural understanding of data, leading to further discussion of ethics in the application of various mathematical models in our data driven society. There is a growing gap between the generation of datasets and our understanding of its potential uses. Data informs the conditions and long standing interests by which our knowledges about social situations are understood, as Oscar Gandy (2009) suggests: ‘most public decisions these days are made on the basis of some analysis of data’.
Full details of talk here.
A throw of the dice will never abolish chance
exhibition page here
Thinking through the block workshops here.
Algorithms, Zerowork, and Planning with Nick Srnicek, Jessica Owens and Reza Negarestani.
Friday 12th December 2014
In a world of increasing complexity, algorithms are rapidly changing the political terrain. This talk will examine the increasing generality of algorithms and look at how they are transforming two classical (and seemingly opposed) demands of the left: for a reduction of work and for democratic control over work.
The first part will look at how algorithms are transforming labour processes and what they portend for class composition over the coming decades. The second half will examine the potentials inherent in algorithms and computer modelling for visualizing complex systems and rendering them manipulable. A world of complex globality requires such technologies, yet they bring with them a new set of obscured political decisions.
Low Animal Spirits exhibition page HERE
Dancing through knowledge: How an algorithm looks at the world by Mercedes Bunz
Thursday October 23rd 2014
Algorithms dance on our screens pulled by fingertips dancing over keyboards. How are they changing knowledge in the public sphere? How does knowledge change, now that is searched, sifted, and sorted? What is it to think and work in a world in which technology has become our second nature? Since Google has become the most important way to gather information, the role of knowledge in our societies has fundamentally changed.
Exploring the role of algorithms, this talk will make an attempt to map out areas in the knowledge landscape of today.
Low Animal Spirits exhibition page HERE
When Platitudes Become Form - Simon Sheikh in conversation with Tom Trevatt.
20th November 2012
Independent curator, critic and course leader of MFA Curating at Goldsmiths, Simon Sheikh diagnoses art's critical role as one that has been historically institutionalised. From his theory of a new institutionalism that, through artistic methodologies, performs a "critique of critique", Sheikh asks the urgent question: "how do we institute?"
When Platitudes Become Form exhibition page HERE
When Platitudes Become Form - Cristopher Kulendran Thomas and Tom Trevatt.
6th November 2012
Tom Trevatt and Christopher Kulendran Thomas, at the launch of The Allure of Collusion by Tom Trevatt.
When Platitudes Become Form exhibition page HERE
Simon O’Sullivan on his new book: On the production of subjectivity.
Five diagrams of the Finite Infinite relation.
18th July 2012
Project Space Talks on the Diagram page available HERE
Esther Leslie: Liquid Crystals,
Phosphor-fluorescence and the New-Old.
24th march 2012
Talk by Esther Leslie, Professor in Political Aesthetics, Birkbeck, University of London.
This talk will range over recent digital screen artworks - from the super-kitsch of nanoart to some of the recent mobilisations of liquid crystals in art. Liquid crystals are considered here as aesthetic objects, or even subjects, spirited points of colour and light that dance across our screens.
The Map is The Territory exhibition page HERE
John Cussans: 'There is no the diagram. A Polemical Demonstration of Korzybski’s Structural Differential'.
6th July 2012
“Man is not an animal…Man is a time-binder…a different category” Alfred Korzybski.
Project Space Talks on the Diagram page available HERE
The Geological Turn - Art and the Anthropocene
31st May 2012
Gabo Guzzo in conversation with Paul Crutzen, Rasheed Araeen, Jan Zalaseiwicz, with TJ Demos (chair) to discuss some of the controversial ideas that come of the proposed new geological epoch: the Anthropocene.
The Geological Turn exhibition page here
Paul Mason, Nathan Charlton, and Andrew McGettigan: How it's kicking off everywhere.
17th March 2012
Discussion between Paul Mason, financial journalist and economics editor for Newsnight and recent author of "Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere", Nathan Charlton, writer, technologist and director of Big Ideas, and Andrew McGettigan, author of the blog Critical Education and the book "The Great University Gamble" (Pluto, forthcoming) also of the Big Ideas team.
The Map is The Territory exhibition page HERE