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THE LIQUID ARCHIVE – Exhibition/Distribution

3rd October 2015.

Paul Teasdale, Louisa Riley Smith and Ami Clarke discuss a distributed sense of the exhibition, in both its making, and its preserving, touching on social media, processual works within online frameworks, and archival projects.


Ami Clarke – will address artists’ publishing as art form and process, Banner Repeaters publishing in tandem with exhibitions and the Un-Publish imprint, and BookBlast, the newly launched beta version of the digital archive of Artists’ Publishing.


Paul Teasdale will be talking about issues raised in his article ‘Total Recall: On collective memory and personal experience’ in the digital realm.  (Frieze Issue 170 April 2015).


Louisa Riley Smith is founder of the 20th Century Art Archives since 1985, and will consider the pre-digital landscape in artists publishing, through her considerable collection of 20thC Artists’ books.


Cristina Garrido will be talking on her work #JWIITMTESDSA? (Just what is it that makes today ?s exhibitions so different, so appealing?) - a digital archive of more than 2500 images of international contemporary art exhibitions collected over 4 years from online media.


The Liquid Archive exhibition page HERE



THE LIQUID ARCHIVE - Exhibition Collapsed


19th September 2015


Damian Griffiths, Margarida Gouveia, and Emily Magnuson will address the role of the digital image in relation to documentation and the treatment of the photograph as exhibition.


Damian Griffiths - performative lecture on the technicalities and the bureaucracy of being a professional gallery photographer. Drawing on the unique position he holds, being paid to flatten exhibitions into the world of the digital, Damian will provide an insight into requirements and strategies  of that artists and galleries deploy in order to make an exhibition for a photograph. 


Margarida Gouveia - video essay utilising photographs of exhibitions from antiquarian books from her work as a digital archivist and photographer, questioning the history of the

photographed exhibition and how the documentary photograph has shifted from a representational object to an abstract one.


Emily Magnuson - Andre Malraux's seminal Musee Imaginare text provides a starting point for a new text touching on how the imaginary museum has become a real museum in the modern context of the digital. 


The Liquid Archive exhibition page HERE




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